Rending the Heart – Jeremy Lallier
As the divide in this country grows ever greater, Americans look to those that govern to push this or that legislative action to solve the evil that has become so prominent in our daily lives. With the slew of heart rending shootings that have plagued this country for example, we hear comments from our officials like “We need laws to restrict access to guns” or “We need legislation to insure more responsible people are armed”. This article points out what many have come to realize – our problems are not the result of too few laws. The heart-breaking problems that are so pervasive are the result of societal sickness. Until we find a way to deal with that sickness – to deal with the moral rot that is festering throughout our culture, we will never stop twisted monsters from acting out evil. This ever-realized fact points to the dire need for God’s way and the encouraging reality of His soon coming Kingdom.
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