Sabbath Rest
Some say that the Sabbath is just a Jewish day, or even further minimized, no longer commanded as it was nailed to the cross. Is this truly the case? The Sabbath is a part of God’s spiritual creation, not just a random day of the week. The Sabbath day is holy because it was God Himself who set the day apart from all the rest. Note that the Sabbath is one of the ten commandments. It is to be a “sign” between God and His people, and it was declared a test by God, “that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or not.” The Sabbath has a deep purpose; there are few who understand that the Sabbath is a memorial of creation, or who believe that the weekly Sabbath rest is the promise of the prophesied one thousand year Kingdom of God on earth. The weekly Saturday Sabbath is intended to be a time of fellowship, not only with God the Father and Jesus Christ, but with our brethren as well. It is not to be a day we decide to observe as we see fit, but one that God has made for man, to better understand Him and what has been designed for our benefit.
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