The Origins of Halloween
Have you ever questioned why Halloween? Why is it so popular, why the traditions, where did it come from? As for the origins and traditions it would be hard to miss the pagan influence.
Its Celtic origins go back 2000+ years. These ancient peoples held a summers ‘ end pagan festival (Samhain) to highlight the new year. This was a time of year to take stock and prepare for winter. It was a time to remember the dead. It was also a time of superstition where masks were worn for protection from evil spirits.
As Rome took control of the Celtic regions, Samhain melded with Roman traditions. After the fall of Rome the Catholic Church combined this pagan celebration with their All Saints Day celebration which originally was celebrated in May. The melding of these two days was also renamed Hallows Even eventually taking on the name Halloween.
Today’s version has been pushed commercially to make it a billion-dollar industry. The commercialization has largely pushed its resurgent popularity across much of the West as we now see it in its currently accepted, Celtic/Roman/Catholic, pagan influenced trappings.
For those that look to scripture as a source of truth, are there any redeeming qualities in honoring the dead and appeasing their assumed spirits through celebrating this or any other version of this holiday? In the words of one of the wisest men to have lived; (Ecclesiastes 9:5) 5 For the living know that they will die; but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten…10 for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going.
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