THIS Happens After Death?
What really happens after death? When a person dies, they are no longer alive – in any sense. The dead know nothing. The Bible does not say that we have an immortal soul that goes to heaven or hell at death. Indeed, Christ Himself said that no one has ascended to heaven. So how do we have hope? Because the Bible promises that everyone who dies will be resurrected. Not everyone will be resurrected at the same time with the same experience; it depends on the path we take in life. Faithful, repentant Christians are judged in their lifetime and experience the first resurrection at Christ’s second coming. They will be raised to spirit life as members of the God family. The rest of mankind will experience the second resurrection at the end of the millennial period of Christ’s rule, and they will be raised to physical life. Then, as physical beings in a restored earth under Christ’s government with free access to God and His Holy Spirit, they will learn God’s way and have the opportunity to choose and be judged. Those who reject God will be destroyed permanently. Everyone else will become literal spirit children in the family of God.
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