Passover – Earl L. Henn
Each of God’s Holy Days lay out a specific piece of His plan for all mankind to come to know Him and the opportunity to be a part of His family – end goal. The Passover is the first in this nexus between God’s commanded Holy Days and this opportunity for true life. There is an expansive nature to each of God’s Holy Days as represented with the Passover. First, it is a memorial that points to the original. The first Passover was the moment God separated his people from the system (Egypt) that enslaved them. Each household of Israel took an unblemished lamb on the 14th of that first month. The lamb was killed, and the blood was spread on to the door posts as a sign. This initial act of obedience separated the Israelites from the Egyptians and the death angel literally passed over any house displaying the blood. Second, all the original symbolism points to the fulfillment of Christ as our Passover Lamb. Through His keeping of the Passover, Jesus set for us an example that the Church has followed ever since. He also expanded the meaning of that last Passover with the washing of the disciple’s feet, and the symbolism of the bread and wine. Finally, He presented Himself as the ultimate unblemished Passover Lamb on that 14th day of the same month making relevant this day for all time. Through repentance and reconciliation, the path was opened by his sacrifice, freeing us from the once certain death penalty from our sins. It’s worth a deeper Bible Study into this amazing day.
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