“The Kingdom of God: An Earth Transformed” lifehopeandtruth.com
This earth will soon be transformed! Do you know the means by which that will happen? The transformation will be directed by Jesus Christ upon His return to this earth. There are many biblical prophecies that paint the picture for us. Cities will be rebuilt to God’s standards and be a blessing to the inhabitants. An agricultural lifestyle will once again gain prominence as families learn to nurture the soil together. Picture this: the topography of the earth will be changed so that much more of the land will become inhabitable. The climate will be blessed by God and the earth will blossom as a rose. Try to imagine how amazing it will be to see a lion eating straw alongside an ox due to its predatory nature being changed. The earth, too, will be healed of all its present pollutants. All this and more will be done at the behest of Christ through God’s Kingdom on earth!
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