Examining Our Assumptions – Tim Vail thefatherscall.org
We all have the proclivity to make assumptions. We make them in our relationships with each other and in our relationship with God. An assumption assumes a certain reality that can be very different to the truth of a matter. Assumptions often lead to incorrect conclusions which in turn can lead to building walls and barriers.
Satan the Devil is a master at inducing us to jump to conclusions that are false. And false conclusions have consequences which often result in hurt and broken relationships. The book of Proverbs warns us not to answer a matter before we hear it (Proverbs 18:13). We need to draw conclusions from information gleaned from various sources in a diligent search for what is true and accurate – correct.
We also must not make assumptions and jump to conclusions in our relationships with others. This article suggests three helpful steps: Firstly, we need to accept that many of our opinions are based on nothing more than assumptions. Secondly, we must make an effort to become informed. Each matter needs to be carefully investigated. Thirdly, having collected all the relevant and reliable facts, we can draw more accurate conclusions.
In our relationship with God, we often assume how God is interacting with us in our lives. This can be especially true in severe trials. Humanly we struggle with negativity and assumptions that we are not pleasing God, when in reality He is working something positive out in our lives.
The article list three areas where we tend to make assumptions about God. Firstly, we assume that God works within a certain time frame. Sarah laughed when God announced that she would bear a son when she was well past her childbearing years. God’s clock is set to a completely different standard. Secondly, we assume that the work of God is limited by our inherent abilities. However, He does not need our abilities to achieve His end. Thirdly, we assume that God’s work is limited to those who don’t make mistakes. Many of our “forefathers” made that assumption. They all made mistakes but God did mighty works through them.
Satan wants you to make assumptions because they have a profound impact on our relationships with man and God. With God’s help, we need to stop making assumptions and through due diligence establish the truth of a matter.
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