What Is Truth? – Gary Petty ucg.org
Pilate asked of Jesus a rhetorical, sarcastic, and cynical question that feels extremely relevant today: “What is truth?” he posed. With limitless information at our fingertips, we can “know” anything. But society has never been less sure of truth. Somewhere along the way, it became subjective. Now, we seem to have given up on the idea all together. A lot of thinking that has undermined truth in postmodern society is rooted in three big ideas popularized in the 19th century: evolution; communism; and psychological theory. Evolution discards the Creator. Communism discards absolute law. Psychological theory discards the spiritual capacity of the human mind in favor of purely biological functions.
The Bible, conversely, supports belief in a Creator, absolute truth, and spiritual wellbeing. God alone, as Creator, determines truth – not our own emotions or intellectual theories. Evil, or sin, is the enemy of truth. Truth is an understanding of reality that determines right thoughts, morality and actions. Truth is revealed by God in the life of Christ and in the word of Scripture. Truth is contained in the moral teachings, or law, given by God. Since these laws define the reality of life as ordained by the Creator, they exist whether we acknowledge them or not.
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